The secret to happiness is to stop setting goals | Spirit Science
The secret to happiness is to stop setting goals | Spirit Science.
Yep, you read that right. The secret to attaining happiness is counter-intuitive to everything we’ve been told through our whole lives. Yet, how many of us are wildly successful millionaires? Maybe we got something backwards.
So, stop setting goals. Thats it? Can it truly be so simple?! Please understand, we’re not saying to stop having logical directions in your life. It’s more about looking at the bigger picture of your life, everything that’s going on, and responding in the moment with your intent, rather than climbing a ladder that ultimately only serves to take you in circles.
Take a moment to consider the words of Alan Watts before proceeding on your journey. Don’t worry, it’s a short one
What are we in such a hurry for? Each year of school, each grade, promotion and job. Step by step all the way up to what? What happens when you get there?
What are you going to do when you get to where you are going? Well if you are anything like most people you are going to be so focused on the next thing that you will barely notice that you accomplished anything at all.
You will probably not rest or congratulate yourself on your hard work because you will be so focused on the next hill to climb or the next goal in life.
I dare you to stop what you are doing right now and focus on where you are right now in life. I challenge you to look at your journey and all of the things you have over come. Even just becoming an adult appeared to be something completely out of reach at one point in many of our lives.
Just take a moment and realize how far you have come and the amazing journey you are on.
It is ok to slow down and enjoy the moment. Perhaps you have heard someone advise you to stop and smell the roses?
Would it be so bad to flow with your life instead of being so ridged? How often have you planned out a whole year only to find that you ended up in a whole new direction that you could have never foreseen? If you are anything like me that happens to you every year.
It takes practice but we can all learn to trust the flow of our lives and create a lot more joy and fulfillment then we ever imagined was possible. We just need to stop trying to force things to happen.
It is just fine to set goals or direction in your life just try focus more on enjoying the experience of your journey instead of always rushing to the next achievement.